Unlike video Ariel Dance Cut (similar), which was circulated, there was news that said Ariel Aura Kasih video sex scene, has not been proven true. After I browse, there are many who upload files to file sharing sites with titles such as a video nasty files Aura Kasih ownload vs. Ariel, and the like. Apparently they took advantage hebohnya circulation of news about this video. Wkwkwkwk ....:) funny, be the netter with his swearing obscenities mupeng the upload file with gross invective invective in comments field file. Hopefully you were not one of the mupeng those who stray into this blog.:)
A little trick I if you want to look for a file download such as Video Mesum Ariel Aura Kasih, if provided comment box and see the comments in the file unggahan. If the tone of his comments mocking or ridicule, calumny, etc. then you should not download the proficiency level in these files. Because in addition to false or not a hoax alias files downloaded to your liking, it could even carry the virus file.